Sensorem has a customer rating of 4.7 out of 5 on Trustpilot

Sensorem’s customers are very satisfied with the security alarm

All of Sensorem’s customers are invited to write a review on Trustpilot, and of the approximately 300 customers who have written a review so far, Sensorem has a rating of 4.7 out of 5!

Easy for customers to get hold of us

A recurring element in the reviews is that customers are very satisfied with our customer service! With a service without a commitment period, we constantly need to deliver and ensure that the customers are satisfied.

Sensorem can easily be reached via phone 08 46 00 77 00 (weekdays 09:00-18:00), e-mail or via live chat on Sensorem’s website .

3/4 of the customers give us a 5 out of 5 rating!

This is what our latest reviews sound like:

  • “Hello! It feels safer, partly because I can wear it even! When I’m out walking, like I do every day!”
  • “Very safe to be able to reach your own relatives first and that you can talk through the alarm. We are very pleased.”
  • “Sensorem has given me such security since I received my epilepsy diagnosis. I can always get in quick contact with my relatives or Sensorem’s alarm center and help is always close at hand! The customer service from Sensorem is gold, they are so helpful and nice. Worth every penny.”
  • “Completely satisfied ..dare to go out with my dogs ..can alarm at home and outside it shows where I am .. Thank you!!”
  • “The watch arrived quickly and it is perfect for my old mother who now feels more secure.”

Here you can read what more of our customers think of us!