More and more relatives will have to take care of their relatives in the future

The number of people over 80 will increase by 30 percent until 2030, which will place higher demands on relatives

TV4 Nyheterna reports today that the proportion of elderly people in Sweden is growing at a rapid rate. Already in six years, those who are 80 or older are expected to have grown from today’s approximately 580,000 to 800,000 people. A development that worries elderly researcher Ingmar Skoog, who calls for political action.

– “This will mean that more and more people will have to help their parents in a completely different way than before. Or if you don’t have children or grandchildren, you may suffer alone at home. I think the problem is so big that you can’t bear to discuss it. I think the national politicians are trying to push it onto the municipalities. I think it is a big betrayal of today’s politicians not to discuss, how do we solve this” , he says.

Sensorem’s security alarm is an effective tool for relatives who take care of their parents

With Sensorem’s security alarm, the user can raise the alarm if something were to happen, and then the watch will call relatives first, and if they don’t answer, the call will be forwarded to Sensorem’s alarm center, which in emergency situations will connect the call to SOS Alarm, which can send out an ambulance or take other appropriate measures . The security alarm is sold directly via Sensorem’s website, anyone can order it as it is completely disconnected from the municipality and home care.