Why doesn’t Sensorem’s security alarm have an automatic fall alarm?

Automatic fall alarms often give false alarms and cannot guarantee that all types of falls are caught 

Sensorem has tested and evaluated several automatic fall sensors but has not found one that is reliable enough. The automatic fall sensors on the market today often give false alarms, which can lead to increased anxiety among relatives. Furthermore, they cannot guarantee that all types of alarms are caught – for example, a user can fall very gently without triggering an alarm, which would lead to false security from the automatic fall alarm.

When Sensorem finds an automatic fall sensor that is good enough, existing customers can be automatically upgraded

All in all, we at Sensorem have therefore chosen not to use an automatic fall alarm, but as soon as development progresses and we find an automatic fall sensor that meets our high requirements, we will be able to offer this function to our customers. As we sell a service with an ongoing cost where everything is included including the watch, existing customers can take advantage of updates and new features without having to pay extra to buy a new watch. If our customers need a new watch or bracelet for any reason, we will send this out at no extra cost.

Today, the user activates the alarm by holding down the watch’s physical alarm button or using the inactivity alarm function

The only thing the user needs to do to activate the alarm chain is to hold down the watch’s physical alarm button for about three seconds. When the alarm is activated, relatives receive an SMS + alarm notification and are automatically called by the clock. In the event that none of the user’s relatives answer, the call is connected to Sensorem’s alarm center (always open 24/7). If the user wants it to alarm if the clock is still for a long time, the inactivity alarm function can be activated in the Sensorem app – read more about this here.

Watch a video that explains the alarm chain as well as a video that shows how easy it is to get started with the security alarm when it is delivered.